Carys turned 2 on June 3, and I can't believe how big she is now! I can still remember bringing her home from the hospital, trying to breastfeed, projectile vomit in my hair, eyes, and mouth, the first time she pooped on me, and so much more! Now she is a big girl that feeds herself, walks and talks constantly, and is very independent! Still working on the potty training thing though.. :)

Eating some yummy ice cream in her "Birthday Girl" shirt!

Playing with her dolly- she LOVES this thing! If any of you have a 2 year old girl, get her a Snap and Style doll with as many outfits as you can buy- SO CUTE!

Still brushing her hair...

Two new Disney/Pixar Movies: Cars and A Bugs Life.

And this is what she got from Rob and I: a tinkerbell four wheeler. SHE LOVES THIS THING!!! Its so cute! She doesn't quite know how to turn yet, so she constantly runs into things, but she just giggles and laughs while on it!
She also got a Radio Flyer Wagon complete with drink holders and a canopy from Grandma Connie and Grandpa Jeff, a Butterfly sandbox/sitting pool from Grandpa Craig - yet to be set up because it has rained for two weeks straight, and because of my hospital stays (to come in another post), a super cute Build-A-Bear named Candy that is pink, orange, and yellow multicolored from Pops and Candy, and an adorable American Girl BitsyBaby from Granny! This kid was a bit spoiled just from parents and grandparents!