Sunday, May 24, 2009


On May 20th Rob and I celebrated our four year wedding anniversary. I know - I can't believe it! It seems like just yesterday we were getting married, then moving into our house, find out we were pregnant with Carys, and now we are having another little princess! And I'm sure in the blink of an eye it will be 5 years and then 10 and then 50! 

We have been through a lot that has made us stronger as a couple. I love you babe, and I'm so glad we finally got married. It took four years to get there, but now its been four years of bliss to be married to you. I love you!

My Beautiful Friend

On May 12th one of my best friends passed away. Meghan Layne Veronie. It has been a hard few weeks but every day seems to get a little easier. She fell asleep one night and didn't wake up. They think she had a brain aneurism in the middle of the night. It is so sad and so terrible. I am grateful that I have the gospel and that I know what happens when we pass on to the next life. I think that is one of the greatest things that is getting me through. I try not to think or talk about it because then I get all weepy, and since I'm pregnant, I have a hard time stopping the tears...

SO - I started to bake and cook instead. If I bake or cook, I keep my mind off of it! So Rob has had a whole slew of treats lately. 

I'll miss you Meghan, and love you! :0)