Last Saturday was one of the Utah games, which we love going to. Right before the game started Rob ran to the front of the stadium to give a friend of his a ticket to get in, and Carys and I were sitting on the bleechers eating a hotdog. I turned to put my hotdog down to give Carys a drink and as soon as I turned I heard WHACK! And then Carys started screaming. So I turn and she wasn't sitting next to me anymore. She, I can only assume, leaned forward and fell face down off the bleecher. On her way to the sturdy cement below she smacked her head on the bleecher one row below us.
I hurried and picked her up and, naturally, started losing it! I kept looking at her face to see if she was okay, but I didn't see any blood so I thought she was. Then Brenda, Melanee's mother, said "HER HEAD, HER HEAD!" I looked at the top of her forehead there, right in the middle of her hair line, was a goose egg the size of a golf ball. It was already poking off her head half an inch and was starting to turn purple.
I didn't really know what to do in the split second I saw her poor head, but before I could react Dustin, told me to go get some ice for her. And before I knew it, I was already at the top of the stairs with my screaming child running to the concession stands. I walked right into the back of one but instead of asking for ice I asked for the EMT's. One guy ran out and said he would get them for me.
Rob was coming back towards our seats when Dustin found him and tried to explain what happened. I felt so horrible. I just started crying because my little baby was so unhappy. But how can you be happy with a giant bruise on your head!
The EMT's came over and checked her out, which of course made a crowd. So here I am holding screaming Carys and I'm trying to be brave and talk through my tears explaining what happened. They checked for any sign of concussion and checked her body for any other bruises or anything we over looked.
Thankfully, they said she would probably be just fine but to keep on eye on her for any odd pupil dilation, vomiting, trying to go to sleep, etc. I made her stay up and active and awake for the next 4 hours just to be sure, but she seemed to be just fine. She laughed and played with the kids, and Aunt Amy even showed her a slide show of pictures on her camera and let her take a few herself!
I took a picture at the game of her bruise, but more than anything it was just swollen then. You can't see it too well, but its raised up off her head quite a bit. Today I also took another picture because now its green. Its about an inch long and three quarters of an inch wide.