Saturday, May 10, 2008


For the past few days Carys has NOT been sleeping well. She wakes up just screaming multiple times a night. I had noticed one day about a week and a half ago that she currently has 6 teeth coming in! Her 4 front top teeth and two more bottom teeth. So this morning I decided to take a look inside her mouth, which is a tough task with her, she never opens her mouth, and ALL 4 top teeth are trying to break through! Her poor mouth must hurt so bad. I can't even imagine how much pain she must be in. :0(

But on a better note, she has been taking more and more steps everyday. Today she did stand up all on her own from the middle of the living room and walked right over to Rob standing a few feet away. I don't think it will be too much longer until she is cruising all over the place on her own!


Anonymous said...

uhh ohh. Get ready to never have another moment of peace again!

Jason.Ashley.Kyler.Camden said...

Hey guys- Hope all is well in Utah! I guess all I can say about the teeth is just be glad they are all coming in at once. Kyler only has 2 teeth and is turning one in 2 days and he got each one individually about 3 weeks apart. They were both weeks of hell for sleeping for him and me. But all I can do is feel so bad for the pain they must be going through. So, you are lucky they are coming in all at one time! Way to go on the walking too! Kyler is in that same stage taking a few steps, but just can't quite get it down just yet! Good job Carys!!