Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Visit From Our Friends

We had a nice weekend of our friends coming up from Houston, Megan and Garrett Reed, with their son Colton. It was very fun! Here are a few pictures from the trip. There are cute ones of the kids, one where Carys is having her first taste of Spring colored Oreo cookies, there is also a hilarious picture where it looks like Carys is saluting the camera! One of our friends little boys also came to play for a day. His name is Jarrett. He was born 6 days after Carys. Colton is the oldest, he will turn one on April 27th!


Molly said...

sooooo cute. babies!

derek and michelle said...

Cute kids! we are moving to wyoming for the summer so Derek can work...and then we will be back to idaho so he can finish up school. How are you?