This is the picture I saw of him and knew he had to be ours!

He does tend to put his snout in funny places to sleep.

He LOVED this pillow.. until he peed on it and it stank so I threw it away.

His ears were so big compared to his little body and every time he drank from his water bowl they got soaking wet! So I decided to give him a little help... :0)

Here he is at 5 months at his graduation from puppy school. Sometimes I really want my money back.

His first Christmas we gave him a bone that any other dog would have taken a year to eat. Burton had it gone in about a week.

This is where he use to like to nap, under her crib.

He use to just go and lay as close as he could without me beating him. Now he tried to avoid her because she likes to pull his ears.

Gross. I have to see this daily.

Daddy and his baby.

He wanted to sniff her so bad the whole first day home!

Look closely. Yes, that is a tongue soaking her cheek.

What a handsome boy!

All grown up!

This is our Burton! He was born on April 22, 2006. We bought him from a breeder in Missouri and he came to us the last weekend of June 2006, the weekend we moved into our house! He is gigantic now, weighing almost 90 lbs. When he stands on his back legs his front paws extend all the way up the the top of Rob's ears. Rob is about 6 feet tall or so. Our dog is kinda big...